Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Semester Break 04-05/07/16 Monday-Tuesday

Sorry I didn't post on Friday. I was busy helping the farm and I also went to a friend's house for a sleepover.

On the project's side, I have finished the layouts and I am moving on to develop a simple script to figure out the dialogue to the comic. I am getting more and more excited about it, now that I am almost done with the pre-production. I have laid out all the rough sketches for my comic in the branching narrative format to help me understand the flow better. It also gives a visual indication of where the narrative is going, and the points of interaction for programmer (I found someone who can help me with this; I hope he has time for me).

I also made some more sketches of what White Eyes' belly looks like.

As an overview this does not look very complicated. But I hope I will be able to work with the
coding in order to make this into an APP.

I tried creating light and a sense of depth using just monochromatic colours. It sort of works. But in the real comic I have decided to just use lines and only black and white for the imaginary world.

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